The Animal Audiogram Database (AAD) provides audiogram data and metadata of auditory experiments and links to the original sources of the data in a structured and easily accessible way.
Browse, view and download audiogram data in a variety of ways. Combine audiogram data for comparative analysis based on animal details, experimental conditions, or publications.
Audiograms are an important resource for understanding the hearing abilities of animals. Audiogram data is relevant for studying animal acoustic physiology, behaviour, and ecology and likewise for assessing the effects of anthropogenic noise on wildlife and environmental stewardship.
The AAD is based on data from peer-reviewed scientific publications. The data have been manually extracted from the original sources and curated. Currently, the database focuses on audiograms of marine mammals and birds to improve our understanding of the effects of anthropogenic noise in marine environments. The database is drafted as a free and open resource whose structure and content can be extended by collaborative development for audiogram data from any taxonomic group and habitat. If you see any errors in the database, please send us an e-mail to